
Interview with Lisa Wedeen on “Authoritarian Apprehensions: Ideology, Judgment, and Mourning in Syria”

بواسطة | مارس 4, 2020


Jadaliyya Syria Page Co-Editor Lisa Wedeen joins the “Politics, Theory, Other” podcast to discuss her new book, Authoritarian Apprehensions: Ideology, Judgment, and Mourning in Syria. They spoke about the strategies the Syrian regime has adopted in order to maintain a degree of public support, the neoliberal turn of Syrian society under Bashar al-Assad, how authoritarian leaders exploit digital media to create uncertainty, and the relevance of Louis Althusser’s concept of interpellation to the regime’s endurance.

See the podcast posted originally on the “Politics, Theory, Other” Soundcloud here.

[This article was originally published by Jadaliyya on 2 March, 2020.]


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