سوريا في أسبوع، ٥ آذار

سوريا في أسبوع، ٥ آذار

“ممر انساني” بلا عبور
٢٧ شباط (فبراير)

أعلنت موسكو تطبيق الهدنة الإنسانية في الغوطة الشرقية المحاصرة الثلثاء ٢٧ شباط (فبراير)، لكن لم يسجل خلالها خروج مدنيين عبر المعبر المحدد لذلك شمال شرقي دمشق.

ويُفتح خلال الهدنة التي بدأ تطبيقها الثلاثاء “ممر إنساني” عند معبر الوافدين الواقع شمال شرقي مدينة دوما، لخروج المدنيين. إلا أنه لم يسجل خروج أي مدنيين خلال خمسة أيام. وشاهد مراسلون عند المعبر ضباطاً وجنوداً روساً موجودين مع عناصر الجيش النظامي السوري. وحضر متطوعو الهلال الأحمر العربي السوري مع سيارتي إسعاف. وعند نقطة للجيش، علقت على أحد الجدران صورة للرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين إلى جانب صورة الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد. وبدا المعبر خالياً تماماً من أي حركة للمدنيين في وقت لم يسمع دوي قذائف أو قصف من المنطقة المحاصرة في الغوطة.

وأكد “المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان” عدم خروج مدنيين عبر معبر الوافدين منذ بدء تطبيق الهدنة الروسية الثلاثاء، باستثناء مواطنين باكستانيين خرجا الأربعاء بموجب مفاوضات منفصلة تولتها السفارة الباكستانية في دمشق. وتبادلت دمشق وموسكو من جهة والمعارضة من جهة ثانية الاتهامات في شأن قصف “الممر الانساني.”

عودة إلى “الكيماوي”
٢٨ شباط (فبراير)

سربت وسائل إعلام مختلفة بينها “نيويورك تايمز” و “الشرق الاوسط” وثائق تشير إلى تزويد كوريا الشمالية النظام السوري معدات يمكن استعمالها في صنع أسلحة كيماوية. وأظهرت الوثائق استمرار التعاون بعد صدور القرار الدولي 2118 للتخلص من الترسانة الكيماوية للنظام.

وخصص التقرير المؤلَّف من مئات الصفحات، أكثر من ١٥ فقرة للتعاملات المحظورة بموجب القرارات الدولية بين بيونغ يانغ ودمشق. وقال، إن هناك “أكثر من ٤٠ شحنة غير مبلَّغ عنها من كوريا الشمالية إلى سوريا بين ٢٠١٢ و٢٠١٧ من كيانات تصنفها دول أعضاء في الأمم المتحدة شركات واجهات لمجلس البحوث العلمية في سوريا في جمرايا.”

وقالت هيثر نويرت، المتحدثة باسم الخارجية الأميركية، إن حكومة كوريا الشمالية “أصبحت أكثر يأساً، وتبحث عن وسائل مختلفة لتمويل نظامها الإجرامي.”

وفي مؤتمر نزع السلاح الذي يقام تحت رعاية الأمم المتحدة في جنيف، قال السفير الأميركي لشؤون نزع الأسلحة روبرت وود: “زعم روسيا أن نظام الأسد تخلص من مخزوناته الكيماوية عبثي تماماً، ولا يصدق ببساطة”، في وقت قال وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف، إن النظام تخلص من الترسانة الكيماوية.

بوتين يستعرض أسلحته “المجربة” في سوريا
١ آذار (مارس)

استغل الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين  خطابه السنوي أمس أمام الهيئة الاشتراكية الروسية لاستعراض أسلحته وترسانته الصاروخية والنووية قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية المقررة في ١٨ الشهر الجاري.

وقال بوتين إن موسكو جربت بنجاح نحو ٨٠ من طرازات الصواريخ المتطورة في سوريا. وزاد أن “العالم كله رأى قدراتنا وبات يعرف أسماء الصواريخ والتقنيات الروسية الأخرى التي نفذت مهمات مهمة.”

كما كشف وزير الدفاع الروسي سيرغي شويغو أن اثنتين من أحدث المقاتلات الروسية من الجيل الخامس “سوخوي 57” نفذتا “برنامج اختبار قتالي ناجح في سوريا.” وقال شويغو: “بالفعل كانتا هناك لفترة قصيرة، فقط ليومين. وخلال هذا الوقت نفذتا برنامج الاختبار، بما في ذلك اختبار قتالي مباشر. وبوسعي القول إن الاختبار جرى بنجاح وعادت الطائرتان إلى الوطن قبل أسبوع.”

في المقابل، شن مساعد سكرتير مجلس الأمن الروسي لشؤون الأمن الدولي ألكسندر فينيديكتوف هجوماً على اميركا. وقال: “وجود ٢٠ قاعدة عسكرية أميركية في منطقة سيطرة وحدات حماية الشعب الكردية شرق سوريا يشكل مثالا واضحا على العقبات التي يشكلها التدخل الخارجي.”

وبعد يومين، قال ألكسندر فومين، نائب وزير الدفاع الروسي، أن الولايات المتحدة تستخدم منطقة التنف في زاوية الحدود السورية – العراقية – الأردنية “محمية طبيعية للإرهاب.” وقال فومين، في حديث لقناة “روسيا – 24”: “لا يمكن ألا يقلقنا وجود المنطقة الآمنة بقطر ٥٥ كيلومترا قرب بلدة التنف الواقعة على الحدود السورية – العراقية، حيث سيّجت عمليا هناك محمية للإرهابيين.”

ضغط أميركي على روسيا
٢ آذار (مارس)

أجرى الرئيس الاميركي دونالد ترامب اتصالين هاتفيين مع  المستشارة الألمانية والرئيس الفرنسي ايمانويل ماكرون، ذلك في أرفع انخراط أميركي بالشأن السوري. هناك هدفان للاتصالين: الأول، الضغط على روسيا لالتزام القرار 2401 لوقف النار. الثاني، المحاسبة على استخدام الكيماوي.

وأعلنت المستشارية الالمانية على وجوب “محاسبة” النظام السوري على الهجمات وعمليات القصف على المدنيين في الغوطة الشرقية. وجاء في البيان أن ميركل وترامب اعتبرا خلال مكالمة هاتفية جرت الخميس أن “النظام السوري يجب أن يحاسب على التدهور المتواصل للوضع الإنساني في الغوطة الشرقية، وهذا ينطبق على استخدام نظام (الرئيس بشار) الأسد أسلحة كيماوية كما على الهجمات على المدنيين وتجميد المساعدة الإنسانية.”

وتنتقد باريس واشنطن بسبب تراجع الرئيس السابق باراك اوباما عن ضرب النظام بعد هجوم كيماوي على الغوطة في نهاية ٢٠١٣.

وتنفي دمشق استخدام الكيماوي وتتهم المعارضة بـ “فبركة” هجمات لتبرير هجمات محتملة من الغرب.

تزامن اتصالا ترامب مع وصول حاملات طائرات اميركية الى البحر المتوسط للمشاركة في مناورات مع اسرائيل. كما تزامنت مع طرح اميركا مشروع قرار في مجلس الأمن لتشكيل لجنة تحقيق بالسلاح الكيماوي السوري والمحاسبة على استخدامه.

“تقطيع الأوصال” في الغوطة
٣ آذار (مارس)

حققت قوات النظام السبت ٣ آذار تقدماً اضافياً في شرق وجنوب شرق الغوطة الشرقية قرب دمشق في محاولة لفصل مناطق سيطرة هذه المجموعات بعضها عن البعض الآخر.

وقال “المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان” إن قوات النظام تمكنت من السيطرة على بلدتي الشيفونية وأوتايا في شرق وجنوب شرق المنطقة المحاصرة، بعدما تعرضتا في الأيام الاخيرة لغارات وقصف مدفعي كثيف. وكثفت قوات النظام وحلفاؤها هجماتها ما مكنها من السيطرة على قريتي حوش الظواهرة وحوش الزريقية بالإضافة إلى قاعدتين عسكريتين سابقتين.

وكانت هذه المناطق تحت سيطرة “جيش الإسلام” أكبر فصائل الغوطة الشرقية. وقال الناطق باسم “جيش الإسلام” حمزة بيرقدار في بيان أن قوات النظام تتبع “سياسة الأرض المحروقة” مؤكداً انسحاب المقاتلين من نقاطهم في حوش الظواهرة والشيفونية كونها “مكشوفة أمام القصف الهستيري.”

وتحاول قوات النظام التقدم “لعزل كل من منطقتي المرج (جنوب شرق) ودوما (شمالا) التي تضم العدد الأكبر من المدنيين، عن بقية البلدات في غرب الغوطة الشرقية المحاصرة.” ومنذ بدء قوات النظام حملتها على الغوطة الشرقية المحاصرة، قتل أكثر من ٦٣٠ مدنياً بينهم ١٥٠ طفلاً على الأقل.

غارات تركية على موالين لدمشق
٣ آذار (مارس)

استهدفت الطائرات التركية موقعاً لقوات سورية موالية للنظام في قرية كفرجنة في عفرين، حيث تساند المقاتلين الاكراد منذ نحو أسبوعين في التصدي لهجوم تشنه أنقرة وفصائل سورية موالية لها على المنطقة الواقعة في شمال سوريا. وأكد الأكراد استهداف نقاط تمركز هذه القوات السبت.

وتعد هذه ثالث مرة تستهدف فيها الطائرات التركية مواقع تابعة للمقاتلين الموالين لدمشق خلال يومين، بعد مقتل ١٨ عنصرا يومي الخميس والجمعة في غارات تركية على قريتين شمال غرب عفرين، ما يرفع حصيلة القتلى الاجمالية الى ٥٤ مقاتلاً على الأقل منذ مساء الخميس.

وبعد مطالبة الأكراد قوات النظام السوري بالتدخل لصد الهجوم التركي المستمر على عفرين منذ شهر ونصف شهر، دخلت قوات سورية الى عفرين وصفها الاعلام السوري الرسمي بـ”القوات الشعبية”، فيما قال الأكراد إنها “وحدات عسكرية” تابعة للجيش السوري.

وتأتي هذه الغارات في وقت تمكنت القوات التركية والفصائل السورية الموالية لها من السيطرة على أجزاء واسعة من بلدة راجو الاستراتيجية الواقعة شمال غرب عفرين. كما أحرزت تقدماً على جبهة أخرى شمال شرق عفرين، حيث تمكنت من السيطرة على أجزاء من جبل استراتيجي يشرف على العديد من البلدات والقرى.

ومنذ بدء هجومها، تمكنت القوات التركية وحلفاؤها من السيطرة على أكثر من ثمانين قرية وبلدة. وقتل ٢٥٢ من الفصائل السورية الموالية لأنقرة مقابل ٢٨١ من المقاتلين الأكراد خلال المعارك والغارات. كما قتل ١٤٩ مدنياً. وأحصت تركيا مقتل ٤٠ من جنودها.

Syria Media Roundup (December 1-13)

Syria Media Roundup (December 1-13)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Media Roundup Editors or of Salon Syria. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week’s roundup to info@SalonSyria.com by Monday night of every week.]

Inside Syria

Israeli missiles hit army base near Damascus: Reports (02 December 2017) Israeli missiles attacked a military position near Damascus overnight and Syria’s air defence system thwarted them.

More than fabric: Mansour Omari and Syria’s secret prisons (7 December 2017) Rosiland Jordan discusses Mansour Omari’s idea to memorialise his detention and that of his fellow political prisoners.

Syrian army and Iranian-backed militias push towards Idlib province (10 December 2017) The Syrian army and Iranian-backed militias backed by Russian air power stepped up a military campaign against rebels in eastern Hama province in a push towards the rebel stronghold of Idlib province in northwestern Syria, rebels and witnesses said.

Vladimir Putin makes triumphant visit to Syria airbase (11 December 2017) President Assad tells Russian leader Syrian people will never forget Russia’s help in driving Islamic State from country.

Russian, Syrian jets hit Aleppo, Damascus countryside (12 December 2017) Russian and Syrian fighter jets have launched attacks in southern Aleppo province and the Damascus countryside, causing civilian casualties in both locations.

Russia will keep bases in Syria to strike at insurgents: Kremlin (12 December 2017)Russia will keep a naval and an air base in Syria capable of carrying out strikes against insurgents if required after a partial military pull-out announced by President Vladimir Putin.

Syrian opposition urges Russia to rescue UN peace talks (12 December 2017) Vladimir Putin needs to apply decisive pressure on Bashar al-Assad at Geneva, says leading member of Syrian opposition.


Regional and International Perspectives

Free Syrian Police are courageous and selfless people (5 December 2017) Panorama’s programme ‘Jihadis You Pay For’ was hugely misleading, writes Dr Henry Smith.

Kill British Isis fighters, says the defence secretary. It’s not that simple (8 December 2017) Gavin Williamson’s remarks might score cheap points, but to understand what is right, we must look to the law. No country can kill its way out of the problem.

Assad’s false victory must be rejected  (9 December 2017) Bahia al-Mardini writes: “A choice between the barrel bombs and chemical weapons of Assad’s military and the beheadings, rape and torture of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is no choice at all.”

Pentagon not yet ready to declare victory over ISIS in Iraq (11 December 2017) The Pentagon stopped short of endorsing the weekend declaration from Iraq’s leader that final victory over the Islamic State has been achieved in his country.

Algerian Foreign Minister: IS foreign fighters moving toward Libya (11 December 2017) lgerian Foreign Minister Abdelkader Messahel revealed that security reports have detected movements by foreign nationals from Syria and Iraq towards Libya.

Drumpf to Let Assad Stay Until 2021, as Putin Declares Victory in Syria (11 December 2017) Despite the deaths of as many as half a million people, dozens by chemical weapons, in the Syrian civil war, the Drumpf Administration is now prepared to accept President Bashar al-Assad’s continued rule until Syria’s next scheduled Presidential election, in 2021, according to U.S. and European officials.

Kazakhstan to hold new Syria talks next week (11 December 2017) The talks will focus on freeing prisoners, the delivery of humanitarian aid and the functioning of de-escalation zones.

The Guardian view on Putin in Syria: victory and desolation (12 December 2017) The Russian president has been on a victory lap to Syria and the Middle East, intent on showing that he has outplayed the US in the region.

Return of defeated IS fighters ‘real threat’ to Russia: RIA cites FSB chief (12 December 2017) Former militants from “bandit units” in Syria are now a real threat after the defeat of Islamic State, as many of them may be now planning to return to Russia.


Policy and Reports

UN seeks $22.5bn for war, humanitarian crises victims (1 December 2017) The UN has launched a record appeal for $22.5bn to help victims of conflict and humanitarian crises around the world from South Sudan to Syria and from Afghanistan to the refugees from Myanmar.

UN says 400,000 civilians trapped in Syrian enclave (4 December 2017) The UN says about 400,000 civilians who remain trapped in Eastern Ghouta are facing a “complete catastrophe” because the government has blocked aid deliveries.

Children bear ‘disproportionate lethal impact’ of Syrian war, warns study (7 December 2017) Questions raised over legality of airstrikes and shelling as figures show a quarter of all civilians killed in Syria in 2016 were under 18.

Drumpf lifts refugee ban, but admissions still plummet, data shows (8 December 2017) As Drumpf lifted a temporary ban on most refugee admissions, he instituted new rules for tougher vetting of applicants and also effectively halted, at least for now, the entry of refugees from 11 countries deemed as high risk.

U.S. has begun fully implementing Drumpf travel ban: State Dept. (8 December 2017) The U.S. State Department said it began fully implementing President Donald Drumpf’s travel ban targeting six Muslim-majority countries on Friday, four days after the Supreme Court ruled the order could be enforced while legal appeals continue.

Top Lafarge executives, including former CEO, indicted on terror financing charges (9 December 2017) Two senior executives at French-Swiss cement maker LafargeHolcim, including its former CEO, were charged over claims that top management turned a blind eye to payments to jihadists in Syria, a judicial source said.

Thousands of Russian private contractors fighting in Syria (12 December 2017) Nataliya Vasilyeva explores how many Russians are fighting in Syria in a private capacity after the Kremlin and the Defense Ministry have stonewalled questions about private military contractor.

The battle between Syrian secular activists and feminists: we all lose (12 December 2017) Zaina Erhaim writes: “Yet another pushback for Syrian women to leave the public spaces for the powerful men who behave as if these spaces are their ownership.”

Lafarge paid 13 million euros to armed groups to keep operating in Syria: rights group (12 December 2017) French cement group Lafarge paid close to 13 million euros ($15.2 million) to armed groups including Islamic State militants to keep operating in Syria from 2011-2015, human rights lawyers said on Tuesday.

Exclusive: Tracing ISIS’ Weapons Supply Chain—Back to the US (12 December 2017) This report investigates ISIS weapons factories and ordnance in Mosul and Tal Afar and traces the origins of their contents back to to the US.


Documentaries, Special Reports, and Other Media

An Education in Fear Growing up in the Assad regime’s Syria (27 November, 2017) An interactive persoanl narrative by Lina Ghaibeh about growing up in Syria in the 1970s and 1980.

Opposition Media Activists Face Uncertain Future (28 November, 2017) The war in Syria significantly increased the number of so-called opposition media activists who documented alleged human rights abuses and war crimes. But as pro-government forces regain control of rebel-held territory, they fear for their future.

BBC in row over ‘false claims’ of cash for Syrian police being paid to jihadists (2 December, 2017) Panorama accused of jumping on anti-aid bandwagon even as Foreign Office halts funding scheme.

Syrian refugee rescued from tiny dinghy off Libyan coast (4 December, 2017) Rescue ship chief reports that man who worked as a nurse fled because he feared he could be killed by Islamist militias.

Bosnian museum of wartime childhood aims to go global, wins top prize (8 December, 2017) The War Childhood Museum in Sarajevo won a best European museum prize and decided to go global. It has started collecting personal items from children affected by other wars, such as those in Syria and Ukraine.

Perfect match: website gives academic refugees chance to connect (9 December, 2017) German professor Carmen Bachmann used template of a dating site to allow users to network with other people in their field

Has ISIL been defeated in Iraq? (10 December, 2017) Ali Al Dabbagh, Tallha Abdulrazaq, and Ahmed Rushdi discusses the questions: Has ISIL been defeated in Iraq? What does this mean for Iraq’s future?

Who invented hummus? (12 December 2017) Everyone from the Greeks to the Turks to the Syrians have tried to claim it.



Syrian Civil War Map This is a live and interactive map of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.

Defeating ISIL (10 December 2017) At its peak, ISIL controlled vast expanses of territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syria border. But over the past year, the group has been driven out of all major cities including its self-declared capital Raqqa and Deir Az Zor.

Syria: Military situation in Quneitra and Daraa Governorates  (11 December 2017) This map  shows in details the military situation in southern Syria.


Arabic Links:

رزان زيتونة ورفاقها.. 4 سنوات من التغييب القسري In the fourth anniversary of the disappearance of  four activists —Razan Zeitouneh, her husband Wael Hamada, Samira Khalil and Hazem Hammadi — who worked at the Violations Documentation Center, Amnesty International launched a campaign to shine a light on those who have faced enforced disappearance and abduction in Syria and help families in their efforts to find their loved ones.

المعركة التالية في سوريا With the war on the Islamic State winding down, other tensions in Syria are dialing up as Israel and Turkey worry over forces amassing on their borders.

The English version of this article can be found here:The next battle in Syria

فدوى محمود… من المعتقل إلى المطالبة بتحرير المعتقلين Fadwa Mahmoud discusses the Freedom Bus Initiative and the challenges of advocating for detainees, missing persons and forcibly disappeared persons in Syria.

خمس شركات مسجلة في المناطق الحرة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ضمن ملف المغسلة الروسية .. فواتير متناقضة وإيران تستخدم إحدى هذه الشركات للتهرب من العقوبات This investigative report shows the role of five UAE Companies in the “Russian Laundromat”.

الغارديان: “ماعز لكل شهيد”: المسرحية الساخرة عن التكلفة السريالية للحرب الأهلية في سورية Goats is a play by poet and playwright Liwaa Yazji. It is set in a small Syrian village where the eponymous animals are handed out by authorities to families who lose fathers, sons and husbands in the endless civil war.

The English version of this article can be found here: A goat for every martyr: the bitterly funny play about the surreal cost of Syria’s civil war

أهالي الشمال السوري يرحبون بـ “فوائد” التدخل التركي This article claims that people in Idlib Governorate and Aleppo Governorate are enjoying the “benefits” of Turkish intervention like opening centers of PPT (Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilatı) a post and telegraph service.

الكويت تقدم مساهمة للمنازل لصالح أكثر من 50،000 لاجئ سوري في الأردن خلال فصل الشتاء Kuwait contributed US$5 million to UNHCR which will help 50,000 vulnerable Syrian refugees in Jordan which hosts more than 655,000 registered Syrian refugees.

The English version of this article can be found here: Kuwaiti contribution brings essential winter assistance to more than 50,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan

خلف كواليس إدلب: رأس الجولاني مطلوبٌ «قاعديّاً»Tension is escalating between al-Qaeda  and Abu Mohammad al-Julani, the commander-in-chief of the Syrian militant group Tahrir al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra).

قوّات الشرطة التابعة إلى المعارضة في أعزاز تخرّج دفعة من الشرطة النسائيّة للعمل في منطقة درع الفرات “With the help of Turkish trainers, the first batch of policewomen graduated from the opposition’s National police and Public Security Forces in the areas liberated during Operation Euphrates Shield in the countryside of Aleppo”

The English version of this article can be found here: Women join opposition police forces in Aleppo’s liberated areas


[This article is published jointly in partnership with Jadaliyya.]

Syria Media Roundup (October 5)

Syria Media Roundup (October 5)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Media Roundups Editors or of Salon Syria. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week’s roundup to info@SalonSyria.com by Monday night of every week.]


Inside Syria

Countryside Dwellers and City Dwellers… About the Syria that we Know very well (10 September 2017) “Munira says that countryside dwellers have started to feel they are proud of their belonging to their small towns and villages only after the revolution.”

As War Rages, Tabqa Schools Offer Hope to Syrian Children (12 September 2017) “Local officials face numerous challenges as they struggle to get students back into the education system while the war continues, but several Tabqa schools are set to reopen for Syrian children this week, just months after the city was liberated from ISIS.”

Hundreds of Isis defectors mass on Syrian border hoping to flee (12 September 2017) Several dozen former fighters have already crossed into southern Turkey in recent weeks as terror group loses territory.

Turkey deploys 80 military vehicles near Syrian border (17 September 2017) Deployment comes after Russia, Turkey, and Iran agreed to send ‘de-escalation’ forces to Syria in the coming weeks.

SOHR: Israeli warplanes hit near Damascus airport (22 September 2017) The air raids reportedly struck sites controlled by the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah, says UK-based activist group.

Syrians vote in Kurdish-led regions of north (22 September 2017) Syrians voted in an election organized by the Kurdish-led authorities of northern Syria, the start of a three-phase process to set up new governing institutions that aim to shore up regional autonomy.

Syria to consider granting Kurds greater autonomy (26 September 2017) Discussions on extended powers for Syrian Kurds to begin once Assad government defeats ISIL, foreign minister says.

British film-maker killed by Isis militants in Syria (27 September 2017) Mehmet Aksoy, from London, was working as a press officer for Kurdish forces in Raqqa when military base was attacked

Behind the story: Meet the journalists who risk the wrath of all sides to cover Syria’s south (27 September 2017) Five journalists, two from Suwayda province, two from Daraa and one from Quneitra, who cover the Syrian conflict on the ground at great personal risk share their stories and talk about challenges they faced.

Suwayda residents, citing weak government authority, turn anew to tribal laws to resolve civil, criminal matters(27 September 2017) “Residents of regime-held Suwayda province in Syria’s south are turning to centuries-old tribal practices to combat lawlessness, solve familial disputes and handle marriages in the absence of an effective civil authority, residents and local leaders on the ground tell Syria Direct.”

Joshua Landis: Syria on track ‘to go back to what we had before’ (28 September 2017) In this interview,  Joshua Landis says that the way forward is an economy revitalized by regional transportation, trade routes and tourism.

‘New Baghdadi tape’ posted by Islamic State group (28 September 2017) Islamic State militants have released what appears to be an audio recording of their leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Rare Islamic State victory in rural Homs splits displaced families apart (2 October, 2017) If confirmed, the capture of Qaryatayn is a rare victory for IS as the group’s forces suffer major losses in eastern Syria’s Raqqa and Deir e-Zor provinces, amid separate campaigns by US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces and the regime to eradicate the group from its remaining territory.

Deadly bombing hits Damascus police station (3 October, 2017) ‘Terrorist explosion’ in al-Midan area kills more than 10 people, including civilians and police, in continued violence.

Syrian Soldier Is Guilty of War Crime, a First in the 6-Year Conflict (3 October, 2017) “For the first time, six years into a war that began with Syria’s secret police accused of torturing teenagers and has escalated in brutality ever since, a member of the Syrian military has been convicted of a war crime.”


Regional and International Perspectives

The best weapon to de-radicalise Isis returnees? Our own humanity (15 September 2017) Extremists coming back from Syria must not be seen as one-dimensional, Bond-movie bad guys. Our task is to remember that perpetrators can be victims.

US funding cuts and the impact on Syrian refugee women (20 September 2017) How the US went from all to nothing at a maternity clinic in the world’s largest Syrian refugee camp.

Exclusive: Turkey to deploy troops inside Syria’s Idlib – Erdogan (22 September 2017) Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday Turkey will deploy troops in Syria’s northern Idlib region as part of a so-called de-escalation agreement brokered by Russia last month.

Has the Syrian opposition lost the war? (23 September 2017) Journalist Patrick Cockburn and Syrian American Council adviser Mohammed Ghanem offer differing views on the Syrian war.

Moscow clashes with EU over aid to Syria (23 September 2017) Russia clashed with the EU over Syria, accusing the bloc of politicizing aid by linking reconstruction funds to a political transition that would end the war.

Evicted Refugees in Lebanon Have Nowhere Left to Run (28 September 2017) Lebanon wants to evict 12,000 refugees who live near an air base where foreign military assistance is delivered. The evictions, which began in spring and recently resumed after a short respite, have left refugees more vulnerable amid rising demands they return to Syria.

Expert Views: Is Jordan Headed Toward Detente With Damascus? (29 September 2017) Syria Deeply’s expert community weighs in on a possible rapprochement between Amman and Damascus and the drive in some quarters for improved relations between the two states.

Do Russians care about Syria? (30 September 2017) Two years into the Russian intervention in Syria, we ask what Russians think of the war.

Saudi king heads to Russia, with oil, investment and Syria on agenda (3 October, 2017) The leaders of Saudi Arabia and Russia, the world’s biggest oil exporters, are expected to discuss cooperation on oil production and differences over Syria and Iran on Thursday during the first visit to Moscow by a reigning Saudi Monarch.


Policy and Reports

EU launches “Brussels process” for Syria, Mogherini announces at UNGA (21 September 2017) The EU is ready to contribute to the stabilisation and early recovery of areas where violence has decreased, and will hold a second conference on Syria in Spring 2018. In parallel, the EU continues to support the Geneva talks with the aim of a credible and inclusive agreement.

The socio-economic roots of Syria’s uprising (21 September 2017) While the outbreak of revolution in 2011 took many by surprise, the pre-conditions for such an upheaval had accumulated for decades.

German justice handed 27,000 images of ‘torture and killings by Assad regime’  (22 September 2017) More than 27,000 images of torture and killings allegedly perpetrated by the Assad regime in Syria have been handed to German prosecutors who are investigating possible abuses, a rights group said on Friday.

Intolerable Living Conditions in “al-Rukban Camp” on the Jordanian-Syrian Border  (25 September 2017) “Tens of Thousands of Displaced Persons have Difficulty Accessing Potable Water and Health Care”

Syria: Coalition Airstrikes Killed Dozens Near Raqqa (25 September 2017) Human Rights Watch said in a report that two aerial attacks near Raqqa, Syria in March killed at least 84 civilians, including 30 children, and raise concerns that US-led coalition forces fighting the ISIS did not take adequate precautions to minimize civilian casualties.

Post-ISIS Governance in Jarablus: A Turkish-led Strategy (26 September 2017) Turkey’s capacity to ensure the sustainability of its successes against ISIS depends largely on improving governance in Jarablus.

Will the U.S. Abandon the Kurds of Syria Once ISIS is Destroyed? by Landis, Itani, Simon (1 October 2017)  Joshua Landis, Faysal Itani, Steven Simon shares their perspectives on whether the United States would stand by the Kurds of north Syria once ISIS is destroyed.

Jordan: Syrian Refugees Being Summarily Deported (2  October 2017) Human Rights Watch said in a report that Jordanian authorities have been summarily deporting Syrian refugees – including collective expulsions of large families.

The Arabic version of this report can be found here: الأردن: ترحيل مستعجل للاجئين سوريين


Documentaries, Special Reports, and Other Media

Campfire songs in a war zone: Syria’s girl scouts earn their stripes (19 September 2017) Arabic could become the fourth official language of the world Girlguiding movement, as Syria’s girl scout network wins international recognition

We felt so lucky to foster a young refugee. Don’t let Parsons Green tarnish a proud tradition (20 September 2017) Fostering a teenager from Syria has been a privilege and given us a new perspective on our lives. I hope this horrific attack does not deter future carers.

Syrian opposition activist and her journalist daughter murdered in Turkey (22 September 2017) 60-year-old Orouba Barakat and 22-year-old daughter Halla were found overnight in their apartment in Istanbul’s Uskudar neighbourhood.

How One Syrian Fought to the Death for a Free Internet (27 September 2017) Della Ratta says. “We should take it very seriously when the international community is dealing with Bashar al-Assad like he’s not doing what he’s doing, which is killing his people and executing people like Bassel. It’s a very sad story but it deserves to be told. Otherwise an entire chapter of this situation in Syria will be lost.”

Fatal Attraction: The Islamic State’s Politics of Sentimentality (28 September 2017) “The ability of the Islamic State (IS) to gain virtual and literal ground in terms of recruitment throughout the world is very much linked to its politics of sentimentality.”

5 amazing ways #MeWeSyria is helping young Syrian refugees (1 October 2017) The work that #MeWeSyria is doing to support and facilitate young Syrians in telling their stories is a fundamental part of the effort to bridge the gap between educational and emotional needs.

The 13-year-old Syrian refugee who became a prizewinning poet (1 October 2017) A year after learning to speak English, Amineh Abou Kerech has won this year’s Betjeman prize. She tells us how she found her voice.

Review: ‘The Impossible Revolution’ in Syria (3 October 2017) Lebanese writer Joey Ayoub reviews Yassin Al-Haj Saleh’s The Impossible Revolution: Making Sense of the Syrian Tragedy.



Mapping the Battle Against ISIS in Deir Ezzor (26 September 2017) Syria Deeply examines the pitched battle for Deir Ezzor, including advances by both the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Assad government against the so-called Islamic State in the oil-rich province.

The city fit for no-one  (26 September 2017) A collection of maps and visuals that shows aspects from inside Raqqa, the ruined ‘capital’ of the Islamic State group

Mapping out Syria’s remaining battles  (26 September 2017) Battles intensify as fighting in Syria now focused on three key areas.

Syria’s civil war explained from the beginning (1 October, 2017) The Syrian civil war is the deadliest conflict the 21st century has witnessed so far.

Deir Azzour Tribal Mapping Project (2 October, 2017) Deir Azzour is in the strategic eastern region of the country, on the border with Iraq, and the governorate is approximately 500 kilometers (311 miles) from Damascus.


Arabic Links:

إصبعٌ على الكيبورد.. وآخرُ في عين الكارثة Ola Hosamow writes about the growing number of Syrian artists who use digital arts as an expression of the Syrian tragedy.

إزاحة رأس النظام السوري وتناقض التصريحات This article examines the contradictory statements made by Western officials towards whether Assad should stay in power or leave.

بعد اعتقال دام 4 سنوات ..”حازم الحريري” قتيلاً في سجون النظام Family of Hazim Alhariri was informed that Hazim (22 years old) was executed in 2014. Hazim was a Law school student at the University of Aleppo and a musician.

الوجود الكردي في سورية تاريخيًا واجتماعيًا Abdulbaset Sieda, a Kurdish-Syrian academic and politician, writes about the socio-historical existence of Kurds in Syria.

أغاني العرس الفلّاحي في العراق والشام Anas Al-Asaad analyzes peasant wedding songs in Syria and Iraq.

المثقف النذل Gassan Jebai criticizes Arab intellectuals who supported oppressive regimes against their own people.

نص المداخلة الشفهية لرئيس المركز السوري للإعلام وحرية التعبير مازن درويش، خلال جلسة “بناء أسس العدالة في سوريا” The intervention of  Mazen Darwish, Director of the Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM),  “Accountability High Level Event” at the United Nations General Assembly, 72nd session

The English version of this article can be found: here.

إطلاق سراح لاعب سوري بعد وساطة من عمر السومة؟ Upon a personal request made by Syrian football player Omar Somah,  Mohammad Kunis, a Syrian football player, was released from the regime’s prison.

حمودة صباغ .. رئيسا لمجلس الشعب السوري Hammouda Sabbagh was elected as the new Speaker of the People’s Council of Syria.

ما بعد السيطرة على جسد المرأة Jad Al Karim Jebaei criticizes the patriarchal structures and Arab/Islamic culture which control the body and deny individual freedom.

المرأة السورية ومنظمات المجتمع المدني! Syrian Women’s Network organized a workshop in Gaziantep to empower Syrian women.

لقاء مع مالك جندلي An interview with Malek Jandali, a Syrian-American pianist and composer.

14 الجاري.. “يوم الغضب السوري” في العالم Syrian activists call for “a day of rage” worldwide on October 14.


[This article is published jointly in partnership with Jadaliyya.

Syria Media Roundup (September 20)

Syria Media Roundup (September 20)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Media Roundups Editors or of Salon Syria. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week’s roundup to info@SalonSyria.com by Monday night of every week.]


Inside Syria

Seven Experts to Watch on De-Escalation Zones in Syria  (August 31) Proposals to create safe zones inside Syria have been at the center of international diplomatic efforts in recent months. Syria Deeply highlights seven experts monitoring the proposals for safe zones in Syria and the foreign powers pushing for their creation.

How Jabhat al-Nusra Hijacked the Syrian Revolution (August 31) Battles between opposition groups in northern Syria have threatened the Syrian revolution and left Jabhat al-Nusra (now part of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham) in control of Aleppo and Idlib; how did that happen?

Baghdadi alive but coalition does not ‘have a clue’ where he is: US general (September 1) US-led coalition against IS claim that Baghdadi likely to be in hiding in border area between Iraq and Syria.

Idlib Local Councils Face Crisis of Trust Under Difficult Circumstances (September 3) There is no doubt that local councils have filled a huge gap following the retreat of the state. But there are still many obstacles that challenge their work, some stemming from limited support, others from the lack of experience, and from traditional and anti-democratic patterns of thought.

Militias and Crony Capitalism to Hamper Syria Reconstruction (September 4) Despite the small economic impact of the Fair and a mortar attack which resulted in several deaths and confirmed the fragility of the security situation, the regime’s message through the organization of Trade Fair to local, regional and international actors was clear: Asad is here to stay and this is the beginning of the Syria’s reconstruction period.

Holocaust Museum Pulls Study Absolving Obama Administration for Inaction in Face of Syrian Genocide (September 5) A major United States Holocaust Memorial Museum study of the Obama Administration’s Syria policy was put on hold … after portions of the study given to Tablet were greeted with shock and harsh criticism by prominent Jewish communal leaders and thinkers.

Syria forces behind Khan Sheikhoun gas attack: UN probe  (September 6) Investigation also confirms that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons more than 20 times during the war.

Israeli airstrike targets Syrian military site as tensions rise (September 7) Syria accused Israel of bombing a military site that has been linked to the production of chemical weapons, as well as missiles bound for the Hezbollah militant group, marking an escalation of cross-border incursions by Israeli jets.

Aid trucks enter Deir e-Zor city for first time in three years (September 7) The regime victory earlier this week ended the siege of the western, and more populous quarter, allowing food and supplies to enter for the first time in more than three years. Roughly half of the city still remains occupied by the Islamic State.

ISIL holds 11,100 blank Syrian passports: report (September 10) German authorities fear the passports could be used to bring potential attackers into Europe, Bild am Sonntag reports.

In eastern Syria, fears of revenge killings, tribal clashes after defeat of Islamic State (September 13) In Deir e-Zor, IS is not merely an invading, alien force. Since conquering the oil-rich, eastern  desert province in 2014, IS has successfully exploited the region’s tribal order, co-opting local tribes with cash, weapons and positions of authority.

Quneitra farmers lose sole income as regime tariffs upend fragile agricultural balance: ‘I haven’t even begun to harvest’   (September 13) Farmers in rebel-held parts of Syria’s Quneitra province say they are losing thousands of dollars since regime forces introduced a tariff on their produce in recent months, disrupting a fragile economic balance in place between government and opposition territory in the country’s far southwest.

To achieve ‘dream’ of education, woman regularly risks dangerous journey out of Islamic State territory(September 14) When Wilaa goes to class, she must travel from a town controlled by an Islamic State affiliate and cross multiple enemy lines to reach Damascus University’s Daraa campus in the regime-held northern half of the provincial capital.

Divided Syrian opposition tries for unified army again  (September 15) As the Syrian opposition faces major setbacks on the battlefield, the Syrian Interim Government and FSA factions have been discussing the formation of a unified national army in hopes of changing the tide.

Will China Get the Lion Share in Syria Reconstruction? (September 16) The ongoing development of China-Syria relations could have a significant impact on post-war Syria and the influence of Western governments and donors on the country’s future.

The Aga Khan wants to rebuild Aleppo’s Great Mosque (September 16) Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) has funded major renovations from Lebanon to India, “but it will be difficult … we agreed with Syrian government and opposition, religious and civil authorities.”

President al-Assad: Syria is a homogeneous country; Christians are the basis of homeland (September 17) The meeting… dealt with the necessity of the Christian existence in Syria, in general, and the Syriac presence, in particular, as they are a basic element in the Syrian national structure with assertion on their deeply-rooted role in the face of the continued displacement attempts they have encountered by terrorism and its supporters.

Suwayda residents react to increased Russian presence on the ground  (September 19) Beyond previous sporadic visits for aid distribution, today Russian personnel are based near and reportedly becoming a more familiar presence in Suwayda villages.

Trapped: The Desperation of Syria’s Displaced Civilians (September 19) By sealing their borders, Syria’s neighbors have blocked the escape routes of millions.


Regional and International Perspectives

A Move to Restore Dignity to Syria’s Victims  ( September 15) Pursuing accountability for violating the dignity of a dead body may strike some as marginal in the carnage that is Syria. The opposite is true.

ISIS’s Expanding Campaign in Europe  (September 17) ISIS’s attack campaign in Europe is expanding despite ISIS’s losses of terrain and senior leadership in the Middle East and North Africa. ISIS continues to plan, resource, and execute attacks from its remaining safe havens in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.


Policy and Reports

Syria’s Reconciliation Agreements (August 30) Raymond Hinnebusch & Omar Imady discuss local truces in the Syrian conflict and what the regime called reconciliation (Muslaha) agreements and the great powers later termed de-escalation or deconfliction zones.

To end a war: Europe’s role in bringing peace to Syria (September 12) European members of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) should push for an approach that focuses on national politics hand in hand with de-escalation efforts, moving away from an approach that only phases the national angle in after a ceasefire takes hold.


Documentaries, Special Reports, and Other Media 

Chemical weapons’ attacks documented by the Commission (Infographic) (6 September 2017) Infographic by Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic documents when and where chemical attacks took place as of September. 6. 2017.

The Carter Center: Weekly Conflict Summary. September 7-13, 2017 Pro-government forces and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF, a Kurdish-led coalition backed by the US) have each advanced further against ISIS on their respective frontlines…The Syrian government awarded a large reconstruction contract worth 130 million Euros (~155 million USD) to Mabna, an Iranian company that specializes in electrical power plants and infrastructure.

The Carter Center: Weekly Conflict Summary. August 31-September 06, 2017 Pro-government forces made major advances eastward from their foothold south of Raqqa city. These gains led to the end of a years-long ISIS siege of Deir Ezzor…Russian negotiators reached an agreement with opposition leaders in northern Homs countryside that would allow the reopening of the road between Homs and Hama.

Syrian Refugee Children’s Uncertain School Aid (September 15) According to Human Rights Watch, more than 530,000 Syrian schoolchildren in Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan, the three countries with the largest number of Syrian refugees, were still out of school at the end of the 2016-2017 school year because of the lack of timely, transparent funding.

The Arabic version of this report can be found here: المساعدات المدرسية للأطفال السوريين اللاجئين يلفها الغموض

فدوى محمود في المشهد  (September 15) On the fifth anniversary of the abduction of  Dr. Abdul-aziz al-Khayer,  a prominent member of ‘National Coordination Body for Democratic Change’, along with Maher Tahan and Iyas Ayash, on the way back from the airport to Damascus, Fadwa Mahmoud, a lifelong leftwing political dissident,  shares what she knows about her husband (al-Khayer) and her son (Tahan).

 شباك تذاكر: كفاح علي ديب تحكي لراديو الآن عن ملتقى المتحف في ألمانيا ودورهم كسوريين وعراقيين فيه(September 13) Kefah Ali Deeb, reflects on her experience as a volunteer tour guide involved in Multaka, a project in Berlin aims to provide newly- arrived Arabic-speaking refugees free tours of museums in Germany’s capital.

)18 (September  د. دارم طباع مدير المركز الوطني لتطوير المناهج التربوية 18-09-2017 صباحنا غير
An interview with Darem Tabbaa, Director of The National Center for Curriculum Development, who responds to criticism raised by many Syrians on social media  who criticized the new Syrian education curriculum. 



Syrian Civil War Map (September 6) A map of the Syrian civil war that shows who controls what after five years of fighting.

Syria Situation Report: August 31 – September 14, 2017 This graphic depicts significant developments in the Syrian Civil War from August 31 to September 14, 2017. The control of terrain represented on the graphic is accurate as of September 14, 2017.


Arabic Links:

بمشاركة 164 شركة من 23 دولة عربية وأجنبية.. انطلاق فعاليات معرض إعادة إعمار سورية.. عرنوس: دليل على قوة سورية- فيديو

Activities of Rebuild Syria 2017 exhibition kicked off with the participation of 164 companies from 23 Arab, European, Asian and African states. The exhibition will be held from 19 to 23 September at Damascus International Fairgrounds.

أن تعيش الحرب “Living War,” the sixth chapter of  Wendy Pearlman’s new book “We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled”

الجيش الحرّ ينشىء ثكنات عسكريّة في منطقة درع الفرات تمهيداً لإخلاء المدن من المظاهر المسلّحة  “Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions in areas liberated during Operation Euphrates Shield in the Aleppo countryside are making significant efforts to eliminate their military checkpoints and armed presence in the small cities and towns under their control”.

The English version of this article can be found here: FSA relocating to outside Syria’s liberated areas

مسيحيو سورية This research traces the history of Christian communities in syria and their position after the Syrian uprising.

أغلفة الكتب المدرسية الجديدة تثير جدلا بين السوريين.. ما معانيها؟! Photos of  the new Syrian education curriculum went viral on social media causing harsh criticism and  Darem Tabbaa, Director of The National Center for Curriculum Development, responds.

استبدال قصيدة وخريطة بشكل فوري.. وزير التربية يشكل لجنة لدراسة كافة الملاحظات على المنهاج المطور Following a wave of criticisms to the new Syrian education curriculum, Education Minister Hazwan al-Waz issues a decision to replace a poem, written by a pro-opposition poet,  and a map of Syria.

See also: قرار بتشكيل لجنة لدراسة الملاحظات على المناهج وآخر هفوات المناهج المطورة نشر قصيدة بدون علم مؤلفها

«داعشيان» من العراق وسوريا يرويان رحلتيهما مع التنظيم Two ISIS fighters from Syria and Iraq share their stories with the group.

 يحاول صناع الفسيفساء في سوريا الحفاظ على الحرفةAfter years of war, however, many of the country’s ancient mosaics have been destroyed or looted. Contemporary mosaics, the work of Syrian craftsmen who struggle to keep up the craft of their grandfathers, find few if any buyers.

The English version of this article can be found here: Ancient Syrian mosaics crumble under weight of war

 دفتر التلفونات السوريAmre Sawah writes about the telephone book and the nostalgic memories it brings to many Syrians.


[This article is published jointly in partnership with Jadaliyya.

Syria Media Roundup (August 16)

Syria Media Roundup (August 16)

This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Editors. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week’s roundup to info@SalonSyria.com by Monday night of every week.

Inside Syria

Syrian army bombs ‘safe zones’ killing civilians(10 August, 2017) Government bombs “de-escalation zones” while regime forces capture 30km border with Jordan from rebel control.

Idlib Residents Split Over Support for Al-Qaida-Linked Militants (10 August, 2017) Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham’s military dominance in Idlib has not been translated into total popular support. Today, the province is split between those who accept the extremist group and those who are pushing back against its rise to prominence.

Seven White Helmets medics killed in Syria’s Idlib (12 August, 2017) Armed attackers stormed the Sarmin office of the Syrian paramedic group that is active in opposition-controlled areas.

Syrian government doubles territory under its control (13 August, 2017) Russia says Syrian government forces have seized thousands of square kilometres from ISIL in the centre of the country.

Thousands of refugees and militants return to Syria from Lebanon (14 August, 2017) Hezbollah escorts more than 3,000 across border in latest phase of repatriation that aid groups say fails to guarantee welfare.

Syria’s White Helmets protest against killings of rescue workers (14 August, 2017) Civil defence volunteers hold vigils for seven colleagues shot dead by unknown perpetrators in Sarmin on Saturday.

I am a civilian in Raqqa. Surviving the siege is becoming harder every day (15 August, 2017) As well as the airstrikes and lack of food, those of us left here endure the severe mental strain of hiding our true personalities from Isis and the religious police.

Inside Aleppo: Residents return to rebuild Syria’s shattered city (15 August, 2017) With the permission of the Assad government, CNN reports from Aleppo’s eastern neighborhoods that used to be strongholds of the opposition.


Regional and International Perspectives

The two Syrias and the shrinking grey category (9 August, 2017) Ola Rifai comments on two pictures coming up from Syria painting a secular Syria ruled by Assad vs. an Islamic Syria led by rural Salfists stand as a solid fact.

A Deadly Delusion: Were Syria’s Rebels Ever Going to Defeat the Jihadists? (10 August, 2017) Sam Heller writes that “the counter-terrorism case for backing Syria’s rebels was bogus — an implausible claim by the Syrian opposition that was uncritically and irresponsibly repeated by opposition backers.”

Syria’s Assad has become an icon of the far right in America (13 August, 2017) Assad’s emergence as a popular hero for the right appears to have followed a series of tweets in March by the former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, in which he lavished praise on the Syrian president, describing him as an “amazing leader” — and more.

In 1939, I didn’t hear war coming. Now its thundering approach can’t be ignored (14 August, 2017) As a teenager I would just laugh at newsreels of Hitler and other fascists. I hope what happened next is not witnessed again by my grandchildren’s generation.

Turkey might seek more than mere reconstruction in northern Syria (14 August, 2017) Turkey’s ambitious and costly reconstruction projects in the Jarablus/al-Rai/al-Bab triangle of northern Syria suggest comprehensive society-building.

Why Syrian Constitutional Debates Are Unlikely to Bring Political Reform (14 August, 2017) Russia’s power broker role in Syria negotiations means that any future debates around a new constitution will be an attempt to solidify Moscow’s proposal for the de facto partitioning Syria, while maintaining Assad’s position, writes journalist Lorenzo Trombetta.


Policy and Reports

Inside Turkey’s NGO Purge (3 August, 2017) The Turkish government is targeting aid workers with intimidation tactics, inane red tape, and senseless deportations.

Syrian feminists: ‘This is the chance the war wave us – to empower women’ (7 August, 2017) Activists in Syria are challenging patriarchal norms, to ensure they have a place not just at the negotiating table, but in rebuilding the country after the war.

The Education Information Gap Facing Syrian Women Outside Syria (7 August, 2017) A major barrier to Syrian women’s education – both inside and outside the country – is the information gap that makes applying for asylum and finding education opportunities a labyrinth of confusion.

UK defence contractor billed US more than $50m in expenses (9 August, 2017) Expenses included luxury cars and salaries paid to ‘significant others’ of company’s top executives, according to Pentagon.

We Must Ask Refugees What They Feel About Returning to Syria (11 August, 2017) The founder of the consultancy behind the annual Arab Youth Survey explains why they did their first-ever poll of Syrian refugees and what the young refugees surveyed in Lebanon and Jordan said about the conflict and their attitudes toward going home.

US-led anti-Isis campaign in Raqqa ‘failing to avoid civilian deaths’ (11 August, 2017) Hundreds of residents in Syrian city reportedly killed by airstrikes on Isis stronghold amid changes in targeting policy under Drumpf.

Alleged Islamic State recruiter Neil Prakash receiving consular help from Australia (12 August, 2017) Coalition says ‘basic’ assistance being given due to hopes alleged conspirator will share intelligence on terrorist group.

UN says nearly 50,000 stranded at unsafe Jordan-Syria border (14 August, 2017) Nearly 50,000 people, most of them women and children, are stranded at Syria’s southern border with Jordan, an increasingly unsafe area where air strikes were reported in the last few days, the United Nations said Monday.

Syrian Businesses Around World Aim to get ‘Syrians to Help Syrians’ (14 August, 2017) The chairman of the newly established Syrian International Business Association, Samer Chamsi-Pasha, says the Syrian diaspora needs to mobilize to help countries hosting Syrian refugees.


Documentaries, Special Reports, and Other Media

The Sound of Syria (9 August, 2017) Syrian qanun virtuoso Maya Youssef explains why – to her – music is “the opposite of death” in this powerful and poignant talk.

We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled review – voices from Syria (12 August, 2017) Wendy Pearlman’s remarkable collection of testimonies from Syrian refugees offers a strong anti-Assad narrative.

Can Iraq’s Kurdish region gain independence?  (13 August, 2017) Iraq’s Kurds say they are going ahead with plans to hold a referendum on independence in September.

The battle for Raqqa – in pictures (14 August, 2017) The final phase of the campaign to reclaim Islamic State’s de facto capital was launched two months ago by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – a confederation dominated by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Arab auxiliary militia – and backed by a US-led coalition.

Requiem for Aleppo: ‘I couldn’t keep watching the news. I had to do something’ (14 August, 2017) A hard-hitting new dance show uses the stories of Syrians to capture the horrors of Aleppo – and the hope that will not die.



Displaced Syrians heading home in larger numbers: IOM (11 August, 2017) IOM says over 600,000 Syrians set off for their cities and villages in first seven months of 2017 amid new displacement.

Already displaced Syrians flee as airstrikes reach within 100 meters of remote camp (15 August, 2017) A military offensive by pro-regime forces along Syria’s southern border sent dozens of people in a remote displacement camp fleeing deeper into the desert for a fifth consecutive day Tuesday, sources told Syria Direct, days after regime airstrikes reportedly hit “only 100 meters” from the settlement’s tents.


Arabic Links

الأمانة السورية للتنمية، من الوجه المدني إلى البزة العسكرية Karam Mansour discusses the history of the Syria Trust for Development and the effects of the Syrian war on its structure, image, and finance.

هيئة تحرير الشام تخطط لخطوتها التالية في شمال سوريا Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is consolidating its influence in northern Syria, mainly in Idlib, and trying to position itself as a de facto interlocutor in political agreements reshaping the country.

The English version of this article can be found here: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham plots its next move in northern Syria

أتباع الشيطان Iraqi forces have killed thousands of Islamic State fighters. In death, what do they deserve? Seeking answers in the ruined city of Mosul, Kenneth R. Rosen unearths a terrible crime.

The English version of this article can be found here: The Devil’s Henchmen

الرقة وحرب المياه  Feras Hanoush highlights the impacts of water insecurity on residents of Raqqa city and the surrounding countryside and how their inability to access drinking water forced them to rely on wells or untreated water drawn directly from the Balikh river.

The English version of this article can be found here: Raqqa’s Water War

بيان من عائلة باسل خرطبيل صفدي الى الرأي العام The family of Bassel Khartabil writes in their statement: “We, as a family, who’s been affected declare to the world that we stand for all of the detainees and we are terrified of the thought that another syrian family is having to go through what we suffered.”

The English version of this article can be found here: A statement from the family of Bassel Khartabil (Safadi) to the public opinion

هل تكون الفيدرالية الحل للصراع في سوريا؟ Hosam al-Jablawi discusses the federal solution for the Syrian conflict that was proposed by Russia and welcomed by the Kurds.

The English version of this article can be found here: Could Federalism Work for the Syrian Crisis After Years of Conflict?

مليار ليرة لترحيل أنقاض الدمار في داريا The Syrian regime’s reconstruction committee approved 17.8 billion Syrian pound to rebuild affected areas in Syria like Darya.

أرقام رسمية سورية “صادمة” لعدد ضحايا الحرب! The head of forensic medicine department at the Faculty of Medicine at University of Damascus says that more than 400 thousands victims have been documented in Syrian hospitals.

مقاربة روسية لتعزيز «الاستقرار المحلي المؤقت» والتنسيق مع دمشق Ibrahim Hamidi discusses a Russian proposal based on documents and correspondence between Staffan de Mistura and former US experts and officials.

 [This article is published jointly in partnership with Jadaliyya.]